14 Reasons Being Sober Makes Your Life Better

Perhaps you’ll go back to school, expand your career goals or become active in your local recovery group. The possibilities are endless when you choose sobriety one day at a time. Breaking the cycle of addiction can positively influence children and future generations by demonstrating healthy behaviors and coping mechanisms. Substance abuse and addiction can […]

Teetotalism Wikipedia

By 1836, when the American national temperance convention formally endorsed total abstinence, many temperance societies had switched from promoting moderation to advocating for abstinence. It was also estimated that about a quarter of a million individuals were practicing total abstinence. The two classes of signers were distinguished as those who took the “old pledge,” and […]

Feeling Like Being Sober Sucks? 12 Tips for Feeling Better

These unanticipated obstacles to wellbeing have the capacity to derail an otherwise smooth sailing recovery. I am very happy and grateful to be two years sober, but I wish I’d known then, what I know now. Just because it “seems” like things will never change, that is not actually the case. The nature of life […]